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Commercial Reel
Games Reel

Record from my home studio on Adobe Audition
Mic: Austrian Audio OC18     Interface: Scarlett
5th Gen

Well, hello! And thanks for checking out the website. Here goes:


I'm George Smiley (yes, like the spy) a new voice from London with a smooth natural RP in a melodic, versatile baritone. With 10 years of playing worldwide as a singer in various bands, performance is in my blood!

Though my natural voice is charming, calming and easy to listen to, I'm also making my videogame debut as a club-wielding maniac in Deathbound this year. I've worked with several large clients, including commercial work for LinkedIn and Playstation, as well as explainer videos for the NHS and UCL alongside other medical, corporate and retail clients.


I'm honing my craft in 2024, upgrading the studio and expanding my range with coaching, as well as continuing to treat my vocal fold paresis (a condition which means my vocal folds don't close properly). Despite the diagnosis being challenging due to changes in my voice, I look at these changes as marks of my uniqueness, all while working and learning to strenghthen my vocal health.


So, all in all a whirlwind first year in voiceover! If you want to bring a fresh, relatable and melodic British voice to your project, please get in touch




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